I know who you are Lyrics (Pharell Williams)

I know who you are, I know what you're feeling
I know who you are, I know what you're feeling

Bad day at work
crazy boss, crazy outburst
finger pointing
but they, they depend on you
inhale, exhale
in and out, like a cell
no no, oh yes
smile honey
no stress
when your environment seems to get brighter
you know it’s good
and the situation doesn’t seem that bad
you know it’s good
can you imagine this started with a lighter
you know it’s good
perception that you never had
(you know its good)

Know who you are and know what you’re feeling
Know who you are and know what you’re feeling
I want every woman to make a pledge with me

Say your name, I pledge, to live a life on the edge
I Shouldn’t know I see the power is in me
no more acquiesse standing up, with no stress
I will do what I need, till every woman on the earth is free

The environment seems to get brighter
you know it’s good
and the situation doesn’t seem that bad
you know it’s good
can you imagine this started with a lighter
you know it’s good
a perception that you never had
(you know its good)

Know who you are and know what you’re feeling
Know who you are and know what you’re feeling

Let me tell you one more time
cause I don’t mind
I know what you’re feeling feeling feeling
Know who you are and know what you’re feeling

And don’t let them tell you that you don’t deserve to unwind
and that they don’t want to join us cool but it’s our time
we just shake our heads and gaze the moment so surreal
isn’t it sad that people in this world that don’t know how this feels

I know who you are (who you are) and I know what you’re feeling (what you’re feeling)
I Know who you are and I know what you’re feeling (yes I know what you’re feeling)
Let me tell you one more time (yeah)
because I don’t mind
I know what you’re feeling feeling feeling (yeah baby)
I Know who you are and I know what you’re feeling
Yes I do>>
Text: I know who you are (Pharrell Williams, Album Girl feat Alicia Keys, 2014)

Mein derzeitiges Lieblingslied wegen dem eingängigen Refrain - na klar. Der Text von I know who you are beinhaltet interessanterweise so ziemlich genau die Punkte, die mir aus den letzten TedxTalks im Kopf geblieben sind und die in einigen Büchern, die ich später hier mal zusammenfassen werde drin stehen (besonders "Search Inside Yourself"). Durchatmen & Locker bleiben und sich kennenlernen.
Know who you are and know what you're feeling. Also wisse, wer Du bist und was Du fühlst. Schau nach innen und sei ehrlich zu Dir selbst.

Der Tedx Talk von Polly (Post zuvor) sagt zwar eigentlich, dass die Selbstzentriertheit stresst und unglücklich macht, aber auch nur deswegen, weil man ständig wertet und sich vergleicht. Wenn man also in sich geht ohne Wertung, stattdessen sich annimmt. Dann erkennt man sich und ist frei. Der Text ist wirklich sch

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